Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My very first award ever! Thanks Amy!

I have ALWAYS wondered how those fancy schmancy Blog Awards worked.  Who gives them, who makes them, and how do they work?

Well I got one and I now I know!  Thanks so much to my new pal Amy over at The Cheap and Choosy for giving the Versatile Blogger Award to me.  I feel special now.  :)

Now what?

Here are the rules for receiving the award.

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

2. Share seven things about yourself. 
  • I am  a fireman's wife and have three kids, two of which are identical twins.
  • I am an only child.
  • I never liked babysitting and never imagined that I would ever become a stay-at-home mom.
  • I own my own business, Earth Angels Diaper Company.
  • I consider myself an introvert and believe I have social anxiety disorder.  But online I come across as very outgoing and extroverted.
  • I love tattoos and have many.
  • I would love to go back to school and get a degree in graphic art & web design.
3. Pass this award along to fifteen bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!

My 15 recommended blogs are as follows
  1. Granola Mom 4 God
  2. Torrential Raines
  3. Just another cloth diapering mama
  4. Waterwaif
  5. A Smaller Footprint
  6. Without a Net
  7. One Bored Mommy
  8. My Four Monkeys
  9. Outside My Kitchen Window
  10. Bringing Up Benjamin
  11. Happily Domestic
  12. Full Nest
  13. Our Life Upstate
  14. View from the Shoe
  15. Valley Girl Has Baby, Goes Crunchy
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award. 


Kristen said...

Thanks so much! You are so sweet!

Heather said...

Thanks so much for the award and congrats on yours.

Have a great day.

erin said...

awww, thank you!!!

B.A. Hunter said...

Thanks for the award. :-) Glad my blog is praise worthy! (blush, blush)

Denise said...

Thank you!!!

Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

Yay for identical twins! Both my dad and my husband are identical twins (what are the odds of that?). Fun!