Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Mom Blog Hop! Add your blog!

I decided I'd love to host a weekly Blog Hop!  I'm fairly new to hosting a "hop" so forgive me if there are any glitches. Here's how it works... In order to join the hop and add your link you have to first
  • First, follow the first (2) Blogs on the list AND the last (2) Blogs on the list.  Why the first and last?  Well normally I see blog hops where you must just follow people at the top, but that doesn't seem all that fun when those never change and there's no guarantee anyone else will get new followers.  So I decided to play by my own rules and ask that you follow the top two and bottom two.
  • Second, grab the code for the linky and create a new Blog post on your blog.  Please also use the Cloth Diaper Geek Blog Hop graphic and copy/paste these instructions if you can so that others will know the rules and how to play along.
  • Optional, it is not "required" but if you'd like other bloggers to follow you back through this Hop then it's suggested that you leave them a comment saying so on their blog so that they know you stopped by.
*To grab the code and place this Blog Hop on your blog you must click the link below that says "Get the code here..."


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